Why doing it?

Perhaps, your project has a database-first approach. So, you need an instance of your database for debugging and testing of code.

Nowadays teams can be spread over different regions, having no ability to share a single database instance (which would also be a bad practice because of dependency introduction and drift acceleration).

If your production database is not much evolving in its schema and has a moderate size, such database is a good candidate to be handled as an artefact.

Database artefacts are just right for:

The good case for making an artefact from a production database is when its schema is managed by some centralized software (not one that’s going to be developed) and you have to just adapt to database changes.

What do you need to minimise burden?

To alleviate burdens you need:

  1. Docker
  3. sqlcmd (Mac / Linux)
  4. bcp
  5. SqlPackage

You can use SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) (requires Visual Studio) instead of SqlPackage for manual extraction of a database schema.

Avoid ‘DOMAIN\User’ format for usernames

The thing that can surprise a developer during deployment of a database in his / her local environment is SqlPackage error like:

Error SQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 15401, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Windows NT user or group 'DOMAIN\ReportJobs' not found. Check the name again.

The command CREATE USER [DOMAIN\...] WITHOUT LOGIN; somewhy (even on Linux version of SQL Server) expects Windows NT user or group…

So, don’t hesitate to fix a production database with commands like:

ALTER USER [DOMAIN\ReportJobs] WITH NAME = [ReportJobs]

Create feed, PAT and authorize

Database artefact is going to be universal package. You need a feed in your project (create it in Azure DevOps Artifacts).

You need to create your Azure DevOps Personal Access Token (PAT) for accessing the feed. Scope Packaging (Read & write) would be enough. Copy the token value from DevOps, then paste it into CLI command:

Terminal window
vsts login --token token

How to create an artefact from a production database?


A local folder named artifacts/artifact-name/ in the root of your project is going to be used, so artifacts/ should be in .gitignore.



The tool extracts schema of the database and exports data of some tables from a production database to the files in artifacts/artifact-name/.

Replace artifact-name, server-address, database-name and table names with actual values:

param (
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# convert a secure password to plain text
$BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($password)
$unsecurePassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
$path = "./artifacts/artifact-name"
if (!(Test-Path -Path $path)) {
mkdir $path
else {
Remove-Item $path\*
SqlPackage `
/a:Extract `
/ssn:"server-address" `
/sdn:"database-name" `
/su:"$login" `
/sp:"$unsecurePassword" `
/tf:"$path/database-name-schema.dacpac" `
/p:ExtractApplicationScopedObjectsOnly=true `
/p:ExtractReferencedServerScopedElements=false `
/p:IgnoreUserLoginMappings=true `
function BulkCopy([string]$tableName)
bcp [database-name].[dbo].[$tableName] out $path/$tableName.bcp -N -S server-address -U $login -P $unsecurePassword
# tables (include only the ones you need)
BulkCopy table-name
BulkCopy table-name
BulkCopy table-name
BulkCopy table-name
BulkCopy table-name
BulkCopy table-name


Replace org-name, feed-name, artifact-name with actual values:

param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)]
vsts package universal publish -i https://dev.azure.com/org-name/ --feed feed-name --name artifact-name --version $version --path ./artifacts/artifact-name

Execute “make” then “publish” tools provided above.

Manual approach

An extraction can also be done with SQL Server Data Tools:

Right-click the database in SQL Server Object Explorer

Use schema only or schema and data extraction and uncheck user login mappings

Wait until it's done

I recommend to extract “schema only” and use bcp tool for tables. If you opt to “schema and data” having a foreign keys in your database, probably, you have no choice except to export all the data, which can be of a huge amount.

You can upload a package version with the command:

Terminal window
vsts package universal publish -i https://dev.azure.com/org-name/ --feed feed-name --name artifact-name --version version --path ./artifacts/artifact-name

How to deploy a database in a development environment?



I hope your development environment is started with docker-compose, so there are some docker-compose.yml where you put an arbitrary sa password:

version: "3"
image: mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2017-latest-ubuntu
container_name: db
- 11433:1433
SA_PASSWORD: 'SomeArbitraryPassw0rd'

In this example I map dockerized SQL Server to the port 11433.


To get an artefact to ./artifacts/artifact-name/ back from Azure DevOps Artifacts use a script like:

param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)]
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
vsts package universal download -i https://dev.azure.com/org-name/ --feed feed-name --name artifact-name --version $version --path ./artifacts/artifact-name


The sa password (from docker-compose) I use in the deployment script, that looks like:

$password = "SomeArbitraryPassw0rd"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$path = "./artifacts/artifact-name"
sqlcmd -S tcp:localhost,11433 -U sa -P $password -i $PSScriptRoot/sql/db-artifact-pre-deploy.sql
SqlPackage /a:Publish /tcs:"Server=tcp:localhost,11433;Database=database-name;User Id=sa;Password=$password;" /sf:"$path/database-name-schema.dacpac"
function BulkCopy([string]$tableName)
bcp dbo.$tableName in $path/$tableName.bcp -N -S tcp:localhost,11433 -d ELMA3 -U sa -P $password -q
# tables
BulkCopy table-name
BulkCopy table-name
BulkCopy table-name
BulkCopy table-name
BulkCopy table-name
BulkCopy table-name
sqlcmd -S tcp:localhost,11433 -U sa -P $password -i $PSScriptRoot/sql/db-artifact-post-deploy.sql

I have added some ./tools/sql/db-artifact-pre-deploy.sql and ./tools/sql/db-artifact-post-deploy.sql scripts to the example, which usually are needed to:

  1. Check if the database exists, drop and recreate it (pre-deploy).
  2. Create a login and a corresponding user for software you develop.
  3. Update sequences and other things corresponding to the table data.

Rollout step-by-step

On a developer’s machine there should be, again: Docker, VSTS CLI, sqlcmd, bcp and SqlPackage.

He or she ought to be authorized to Azure DevOps:

Terminal window
vsts login --token token

To get an environment up he / she need to:

Start containers:

Terminal window
docker-compose up

Get an artefact:

Terminal window

Deploy an artefact:

Terminal window